Monthly Archives: April 2009

The (de)Evolution of Alberta

Evolution is science. Creationism is religion. Evolution should not be brought to Christian Sunday school, and neither should creationsim be brought to public schools.

The phrase “slippery slope” came to mind after reading this article:

Full disclosure: I’m a devout Unitarian Universalist (see what that is here and I’m also a engineer and a complete science geek.

 I think pretending evolution isn’t science is wrong. The Alberta government isn’t denying evolution yet, but I think they’re well on their way. The government wants to allow parents to withdraw children from classes where the subject matter is “controversial”. Right now, controversial subject matter is sex education, homosexuality, and now evolution. I think this is wrong. As a parent, if my child learns something in school that I disagree with, it’s an opportunity for me to present my viewpoint and acutally be a parent to my child. Telling my child to cover her ears and say “blah-blah-blah-blah” is not giving them an education. Some parents will say they want to teach their ideas and ideals to their children, which is great, that’s what I plan to do to, but pulling children out of class and telling them to pretend certain subjects don’t exist is ignorant. In my opinion, ignorance isn’t an ideal I want to pass on to my children, but other parents may feel differently.

This is a slippery slope, and to be honest, I’m surprised this hasn’t happened in Alberta “Texas of the North” sooner. When I shake the magic eight ball and ask it “Will the government demand intelligent design is taught alongside evolution?” the magic eight ball says “All signs point to yes”. This cannot happen. Mixing science and religion in this way is a bad idea. I’m not saying science is superior to religion, that’s like saying ovens are superior to watermelons…the comparison doesn’t mean anything. Science is about discovering everything possible about the universe, religion is about discovering everything impossible about the universe.  Keep creationism in Sunday school and keep science in the classroom.

I hope we don’t require the help of Professor Steve Steve at The Panda’s Thumb. He may be the only one who can help us if things slide further into the abyss. “Please Professor Steve Steve Kenobi, you’re our only hope!”


Filed under politics, religion

The Universal Chan vs. The Dewey Decimal System

The Universal Man is knowledgeable in all fields of study. The Universal Chan is going to try to become a universal man by reading a book from every Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) category. This is not an overnight endeavour. I may not succeed, but I hope to have fun trying.

The idea came to me at the library, strangely enough. I’ve recently taken out books on writing, blogging, writing for your blog, etc… I hadn’t quite found a theme that appealed to me. I wanted to find something interesting, something people could relate to and try themselves, and to be honest, I’d like to get on CBC’s Wild Rose Country, so I wanted to pick a topic worthy of that programme. Once I get on WRC, my life will be complete. While at the library, I grabbed a pamphlet on the DDC and it occurred to me, that the DDC is also a list of fields of expertise. Since the Universal Chan is going to attempt to become a Universal Man, the DDC seems like a good checklist.

Stay tuned. Next up, A Demon Haunted World by Carl Sagan, 001.9 SAG (Edmonton Public Library call number).

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Desperately Seeking Gilbert

If you or a loved one went missing, who would show up to help in the search? Last Sunday, myself, along with over 100 other volunteers, went looking for Gilbert Bouchard. 

I met Gilbert when we worked on the Unitarian Universalists on Campus Committee at the University of Alberta. The first session the Campus UUs put on was entitled “Zombies and Vampires”. I recall Gilbert knowing absolutely everything there was to know zombies and vampires. Particularly interesting was the way he said “zombies”.

Being Unitarian myself, I don’t pray to God, or Allah or anyone else, but I really hope Gilbert has just run away.

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The Ultimate Engineering Tool


Linux has a substantial following of arrogant, self riteous fanatics. Mac users are akin to religious zealots. Many engineers will use nothing but an Hewlett Packard calculator. I have an HP48GX, which replaced by tragically short lived HP48SX (rest in peace…or rest in pieces, I should say). Other calculators are mere toys when compared to the might of the HP48 series calculators.

What does Wikipedia say about the HP48GX? Find out here. When I read the Wikipedia entry, I hear “blah, blah, blah” in the back of my head. Yes, the HP48 calculators have impressive specs. Yes, the HP48 calculators are sturdy (but still can’t survive being run over by a car…whoops). In my mind, the strength of the HP48 calculators lies in the Reverse Polish Notation(RPN) entry system. I can enter 100 number on the HP48’s stack and perform separate operations on each number or pair of numbers or sequence of numbers.

In my line of work (construction), the units library is also invaluable. Measurements of mass, force, energy, distance, etc… can be converted quickly and easily. The HP48 series calculators also recognize SI prefixes such as k (kilo=x1000) or M (mega=x1000000). This means I can add 3kN+55.2N+450lbf and get an answer in pounds force, an answer which can be quickly and easily converted to Newtons or any other unit of force.

In conclusion, HP good, others not as good.

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Filed under engineering

Universal Chan Topics

What should I blog about? The Universal Man ideal is all things to all people. The Universal Man is able to converse intelligently on any field of human knowledge. This Universal Chan blog is a blog about the Universal Man, which means I can blog about pretty much anything. I will try to follow a few themes (in no particular order):

    fine arts
    martial arts
    engineering (my actual field of expertise)

I’m still waiting for the blogging and writing books, I’ve requested, to arrive at the library, so I’m still using everything I learned in “English for Engineers” to construct my blog entries. I have downloaded “The Elements of Style”, by William Strunk, audiobook which is supposedly the writing bible. There is something odd about a book on writing, that one listens to on their Ipod.


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Universal Writer

The Universal Man is a writer. The Universal Chan is not. I’m not even entirely sure if that last sentance is grammatically accurate. In order to give my 2 readers something to read other than mindless rants or descriptions on what I had for lunch, I will attempt to craft my blog entries into works of art…or at least something that doesn’t hurt your brain.

As soon as my good friend Professor Williamson provides me with some of her writing resources, I’m hoping to provide you with more coherent blog entries.

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Filed under writing

The Universal Geek

The Universal Man is many things, and so to is the Universal Chan. Tonight, I am a GEEK.I played Dungeons & Dragons tonight for the first time in 23 years. From what I’ve read on the internet, the game has changed a lot in 23 years, but luckily for me, the group I played with used 23 year old rules!

Any self respecting geek has either played, or still plays D&D, NO EXCEPTIONS!This doesn’t necessarily mean anyone who plays D&D is a geek though. The group consisted of 3 men, 2 women and a 16 year old boy, none of whom could be classified as a stereotypical geek (well, except for me). Guinness was served along with the required salty snack foods. Although I can’t recall much from my days of playing D&D, I’m failry sure we didn’t drink Guinness.

It’s late, I have to further collect my thoughts, but I know this: I had fun, and I’m going to do it again (if they’ll invite me back).

In case anyone is curious, I played a 1st level fighter, killed a mummy, got 3000 experience points and a magic sword.

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Filed under geek culture

What is a Universal Chan?

Homo Universalis, Universal Man, Renaissance Man, polymath, Universal Genius. All terms used to describe one with proficiency (not necessarily expertise), knowledge and understanding in a wide array of subjects and fields of study. Leonardo da Vinci is frequently held up as the original Universal Man.

I am not the 21st century’s version of the Universal Man. I am the Universal Chan. I have an “executive summary” knowledge of a great many subjects, and of those numerous subjects I only have an understanding of a small handful. Of those subjects I actually understand, I’m only an expert in one or two…and that expertise is regularly questioned. I am not the new version of the Universal Man, but I’m trying.

To fulfil the requirements of a Universal Man, the Universal Chan will discuss a wide range of subjects, all from the standpoint of a 37 year old, bald, half-Chinese, Unitarian Universalist, engineer, husband and father of two. Expect to see posts on politics, science, environmentalism, religion, city planning, arts, music, and most importantly food.


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