Tag Archives: bikeology

Bikes are Vehicles, they are not Pedestrians with Wheels

Cars must follow the rules of the road. Trucks must follow the rules of the road. Motorcycles must follow the rules of the road. Bicycles must also follow the rules of the road. This is often overlooked.

I love to ride my bike, and I try to bike as often as possible, and not for exercise (although that’s a great side benefit), but just to get around. When I ride, I follow the rules of the road. When I ride, my bike is just a slow car with two wheels. The red octagon means stop and the red triangle means yield, and unfortunately, not all cyclists understand this. My biggest pet peeve is when cyclists stop traffic and ride their bikes across a marked crosswalk. If you’re on a bike and you really need to get across the road, you can walk your bike across the street.

If you’re a cyclist, please follow the rules of the road. I don’t want to give drivers reasons to bitch at us, things are difficult enough already. If you’re a cyclist and I see you making us look bad, I’ll track you down and wag my finger at you.


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