Tag Archives: gay pride

Gay Pride Parade…In Edmonton?!?!?

Believe it or not, in the middle of the most conservative province in confederation, a gay pride parade was held on June 13, and it was wildly successful. The last estimate I heard said there were approximately 10,000 parade watchers and participants. Pretty good numbers for Canada’s Texas.

I was part of the “Unitarians for Social Justice” contingent, and we marched in the parade with a 125 foot long rainbow banner. From what I heard, we had the biggest entry in the parade. For the first time in the 5 years that I’ve been marching in the parade, I didn’t see any protesters. I hope one day my daughters will be able to tell their kids that they marched for civil rights when they were children.

Maybe one day, we won’t need a gay pride parade.

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Filed under activism, Unitarian Universalism