Tag Archives: Guinness

The Universal Geek

The Universal Man is many things, and so to is the Universal Chan. Tonight, I am a GEEK.I played Dungeons & Dragons tonight for the first time in 23 years. From what I’ve read on the internet, the game has changed a lot in 23 years, but luckily for me, the group I played with used 23 year old rules!

Any self respecting geek has either played, or still plays D&D, NO EXCEPTIONS!This doesn’t necessarily mean anyone who plays D&D is a geek though. The group consisted of 3 men, 2 women and a 16 year old boy, none of whom could be classified as a stereotypical geek (well, except for me). Guinness was served along with the required salty snack foods. Although I can’t recall much from my days of playing D&D, I’m failry sure we didn’t drink Guinness.

It’s late, I have to further collect my thoughts, but I know this: I had fun, and I’m going to do it again (if they’ll invite me back).

In case anyone is curious, I played a 1st level fighter, killed a mummy, got 3000 experience points and a magic sword.

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