Tag Archives: Hewlett Packard

The Ultimate Engineering Tool


Linux has a substantial following of arrogant, self riteous fanatics. Mac users are akin to religious zealots. Many engineers will use nothing but an Hewlett Packard calculator. I have an HP48GX, which replaced by tragically short lived HP48SX (rest in peace…or rest in pieces, I should say). Other calculators are mere toys when compared to the might of the HP48 series calculators.

What does Wikipedia say about the HP48GX? Find out here. When I read the Wikipedia entry, I hear “blah, blah, blah” in the back of my head. Yes, the HP48 calculators have impressive specs. Yes, the HP48 calculators are sturdy (but still can’t survive being run over by a car…whoops). In my mind, the strength of the HP48 calculators lies in the Reverse Polish Notation(RPN) entry system. I can enter 100 number on the HP48’s stack and perform separate operations on each number or pair of numbers or sequence of numbers.

In my line of work (construction), the units library is also invaluable. Measurements of mass, force, energy, distance, etc… can be converted quickly and easily. The HP48 series calculators also recognize SI prefixes such as k (kilo=x1000) or M (mega=x1000000). This means I can add 3kN+55.2N+450lbf and get an answer in pounds force, an answer which can be quickly and easily converted to Newtons or any other unit of force.

In conclusion, HP good, others not as good.

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