Tag Archives: movies

Set Phasers on “Fantastic”

I intend to give a detailed review of J.J. Abrams Star Trek, as soon as I get to the chapter on “reviews” in my writing textbook.

For now, I can tell you this, the new Star Trek movie rocks. Here’s why:

  • The movie goes against established Trek lore (The Canon). Thanks to time travellers and alternate realities, recurring themes in science fiction, Star Trek technically adheres to The Canon. The new movie adheres to The Canon in the same way guns don’t kill people, people kill people, if you get my meaning. By twisting The Canon, like a piece of silly putty in the hands of a 7 year old, Star Trek escapes from a 1966 view of the future. Star Trek is not constrained by 5 shows and over 30 years of Trek lore, which means the new movie is free to explore new territory despite what someone may have said in season 3 of Deep Space Nine, or season 2 of Enterprise. Thanks to Abrams, Star Trekis also not constrained by throngs of Trekkies and Trekkers. While Abrams stated he would make a movie that would appeal to Trek fans, he wasn’t making the movie for them.
  • Star Trek is more of an action-thriller set in outer space, rather than a sci-fi flick. The technology is there, the far flung science is there, but it is only a backdrop to the film. Star Trek is character driven and doesn’t get bogged down with sci-fi details.
  • The bridge of the Enterprise is updated, and it’s about time. Imagine a $100 million dollar blockbuster, filmed in 2009, with a 1966 starship and bridge…it doesn’t look very good, does it? The new Enterprise and the new bridge reflect the view of the future from 2009, not 1966.
  • Star Trek acknowledges its past is our present. In one of the opening scenes, a young James Kirk is taking a joyride in an antique Corvette (I think it’s a ‘vette) listening to the Beastie Boys. This is a nice touch.
  • Leonard “Bones” McCoy is incredible. While the ensemble cast, for the most part, works quite well together, Karl Urban as Dr. McCoy is outstanding.
  • Kirk makes out with a green girl. ‘Nuf said!

These are just the opinions of an ordinary man, an ordinary man who based his life on Star Trek, but still, an ordinary man.

Ok, I became an engineer because of Star Trek, I’m a geek, I admit it.

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Best Trek EVER!

The new Star Trek movie does not follow accepted Trek canon. Hardcore Trekkies and Trekkers are dismayed, confused and outraged. To these devout fans I say GET OVER IT! Star Trek is the best Trek movie EVER!

Now go see it and let me know what you think.

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