Tag Archives: original series

Captain Kirk: The Best Hockey Player in Fiji

I know people, regardless of the situation, who handle anything life throws at them. They excel in anything they do and they’re often natural leaders. These people are superstars. Then, there are people who are extremely successful in their small, limited field of competition. I liken these people to being the best hockey players in Fiji.

Captain Kirk (The Original Series, not the new movie) was the best hockey player in all of Fiji. Compare Captain Kirk to other Starfleet captains. He wasn’t insane (The Doomsday Machine), or a criminal (Bread and Circuses), or corrupt (The Omega Glory), or criminally insane (Whom Gods Destroy), or just plain incompetent (The Immunity Syndrome, The Ultimate Computer).

Think about it. How many sane, ethical, competent captains did you see in that series?

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