Tag Archives: Unitarian

A Complaint Free World

Every once and a while, I happen across a life-altering event. “A Complaint Free World” was the title of a recent service at my church, and it was life-altering.

A Complaint Free World is an organization that strives to help people by helping them become complaint free. It sounds simple, and even a bit naive, but it works. My wife and I tried this approach after the service and learned a lot about ourselves. When we became conscious of our complaining, we realized that we do an awful lot of bitching and whining. It took a while, but after a few days, our levels of complaining had dropped significantly, but our happiness levels rose. Coincidence? Perhaps, but I believe the simple act of talking and discussing rather than complaining was the main factor behind this newfound happiness.

Becoming complaint free is not simple. Becoming complaint free doesn’t mean you become a pushover either. Becoming complaint free is worth it, look into it.

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Filed under activism, family, Unitarian Universalism

Gay Pride Parade…In Edmonton?!?!?

Believe it or not, in the middle of the most conservative province in confederation, a gay pride parade was held on June 13, and it was wildly successful. The last estimate I heard said there were approximately 10,000 parade watchers and participants. Pretty good numbers for Canada’s Texas.

I was part of the “Unitarians for Social Justice” contingent, and we marched in the parade with a 125 foot long rainbow banner. From what I heard, we had the biggest entry in the parade. For the first time in the 5 years that I’ve been marching in the parade, I didn’t see any protesters. I hope one day my daughters will be able to tell their kids that they marched for civil rights when they were children.

Maybe one day, we won’t need a gay pride parade.

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Filed under activism, Unitarian Universalism