Tag Archives: writing

Universal Chan Topics

What should I blog about? The Universal Man ideal is all things to all people. The Universal Man is able to converse intelligently on any field of human knowledge. This Universal Chan blog is a blog about the Universal Man, which means I can blog about pretty much anything. I will try to follow a few themes (in no particular order):

    fine arts
    martial arts
    engineering (my actual field of expertise)

I’m still waiting for the blogging and writing books, I’ve requested, to arrive at the library, so I’m still using everything I learned in “English for Engineers” to construct my blog entries. I have downloaded “The Elements of Style”, by William Strunk, audiobook which is supposedly the writing bible. There is something odd about a book on writing, that one listens to on their Ipod.


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Filed under universal man

Universal Writer

The Universal Man is a writer. The Universal Chan is not. I’m not even entirely sure if that last sentance is grammatically accurate. In order to give my 2 readers something to read other than mindless rants or descriptions on what I had for lunch, I will attempt to craft my blog entries into works of art…or at least something that doesn’t hurt your brain.

As soon as my good friend Professor Williamson provides me with some of her writing resources, I’m hoping to provide you with more coherent blog entries.

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