Day 6–Prime Rib & Handy Hints

Usually the dining rooms are about half-full at any given time. There’s always a place to sit with plenty of room. Today both dining rooms were packed. Workers housed in one of the neighbouring camps got booted over to Wapasu East. It was extra busy. I thought it was extra busy just because it was prime rib night.


The prime rib was actually quite good. I asked for medium rare and got a medium rare cut. It was a bit surprising. The Yorkshire pudding was acceptable as were the peas and mashed potatoes. The carrots were so-so, as were the mussels. Not bad, just not as good as the rest of the meal. Note: the horseradish is pointless, I don’t know why I keep getting it with beef dishes, it has no kick, and no real flavour. 

I ate in dining room 1 today. Dining room 1 has the normal menu, but also caters to people with special dietary requirements. Look, they have diabetic friendly desserts…


Handy Hints

If you’re coming to Wapasu Lodge for the first time, or coming to any work camp for the first time, here are a few tips that might make things go smoother for you:

  • Bring laundry detergent. I prefer doing laundry as opposed to packing for a week to 10 days. I like Tide pods, they’re easy to manage and less messy.
  • Bring a pillow. Seriously. The pillows here suck.
  • Towels are provided, and they’re adequate, but you might want to bring your own. Don’t forget soap. There’s no soap here.
  • A few ziplock/tupperware/rubbermaid containers for packing lunches. The ziplock containers with the screw top lids would be good for packing soup for lunches. The containers provided in the bag-up room suck and they’ll leak all over everything. Ask me how I know. 
  • Workout gear. There’s a cardio gym, weight room and a yoga room. Use them. 
  • If you’re a coffee snob, like me, bring your coffee stuff. We’re working construction, the coffee sucks. Always has, always will.

If you’ve been in camp before, this stuff is all obvious. If you’re reading this while you’re in camp for the very first time this will all seem obvious later. 

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One response to “Day 6–Prime Rib & Handy Hints

  1. Ambrose

    I’m really glad that I found your blog on Google. I’m starting work at the Kearl Lake expansion tank farm project this week and I will be staying in Wapasu Lodge as well. Your blog provides a lot of useful tips. Thanks!

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